Kategori arşivi: İngilizce Konular

8. sınıf teog deneme


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Yazan: Mayıs 17, 2016 in İngilizce Konular


9. sınıf İngilizce seviye belirleme sınavı

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Yazan: Eylül 22, 2013 in İngilizce Konular



2013-2014 sene başı zümresi



Have got / Has got (sahiplik fiili)

Have fiili :

Bir şeye sahip olduğumuzu belirtmek için “have” kelimesini kullanırız. “Have” fiili, “sahiplik” manası veren bir fiil dir. Aynı zamanda, farklı kullanımları da vardır (have kullanımı konusunu daha sonra “perfect tense”lerde değineceğiz)

Biz burada basitçe sadece sahiplik kavramını inceleyeceğiz.

have got a book. Ben, bir kitaba sahibim.


Bu cümlenin İngilizce en doğru çevirisi bu şekildedir. Ancak, Türkçede bu cümleyi “Benim bir kitabım var” şeklinde ifade ederiz. Biz de öyle devam edelim.
You have got two pens.
We have got time.
They have got a ball.

He has got a newspaper.
She has got a towel.
My dog has got a curly tail.

Bilge and Ata have got a very beautiful house.


Dikkat! Öznesi üçüncü tekil şahıs olan cümleler de “have” yerine “has” kullanılır. Bunun sebebini, ilerleyen konularda fiil cümlelerinde daha iyi kavrayacağız.


Have ve Has kelimeleri cümle içinde kısaltılabilir. “Have” “‘ve” şeklinde, “has” “‘s” şeklinde kısaltılarak önündeki özneye birleştirilir


You’ve got two horses.
We’ve got money.
They’ve got a kite.

He’s got a magazine.
She’s got a nice shirt.
My cat’s got green eyes.




Sahiplik belirten bu kalıbı, negatif hale dönüştürebiliriz. ve yine “not” kelimesini kısaltabiliriz.
I have not got a ship. I haven’t got a ship.
You have not got a watch. You haven’t got a watch.
My car has not got a big engine. My car hasn’t got a big engine.




Soru haline dönüştürürken ise yine “özne” ile “have” fiili yer değiştiriyor, ancak “got” yerinde kalır.
Youhavegota pencil.

Have got, Has got

Haveyougota pencil?

Has your friend got a ruler?
Has your country got a nuclear power plant?

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Yazan: Ocak 21, 2012 in İngilizce Konular


Etiketler: , ,

İnfinitives and Gerunds

Bir infinitive veya gerund, cümlede isim görevini taşıyan fiildir. Infinitive, fiilin başına “to” getirilerek; Gerund ise fiil köküne “-ing” takısı getirilerek elde edilir.

INFINITIVE: It isn’t difficult to pass this exam.

GERUND: I like studying English.

Infinitive’ler olumsuz yapılırken başına “not” eki alırlar: “He pretended not to see me.”

Aynı şekilde gerund’ları olumsuz yapmak için başına “not” getirilebilir: “Not studyingexams cannot be regarded as an excuse.”

İngilizce’de bazı kelimeler kendilerinden sonra direk infinitive alır. Bu fiiler şunlardır:



































Tabloda verilen fiillerle infinitve kullanılmak zorundadır. Yani bu fiillerden sonra ikinci bir fiil geliyorsa “to” kullanılır. Aşağıdaki örnek cümleler, infinitive halde kullanılmıştır.

He does not afford to buy a new car.

They did not agree to participate in the meeting.

She failed to pass the exam.

Bazı fiiller kendilerinden sonra gelen fiilleri, gerund biçiminde alır. Bu fiiller şunlardır:

















can’t help




can’t stand



















Tabloda verilen fiillerden sonra gelen fiiller gerund halinde kullanılır; yani -ing takısı alır.

Gerund ile kullanılan örnek cümleler:

The children did not stop crying.

They practised speaking English.

I can’t stand being insulted!

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Yazan: Ocak 21, 2012 in İngilizce Konular


Etiketler: , , ,

İngilizce kelime öğrenmek için ipuçları

  1. Seviyenize uygun okuma parçaları, hikayeler ya da ilgilinizi çeken herhangi başka bir türde düzenli olarak okuyun.
  2. Bilmediğiniz kelimelerin her birinin anlamına hemen sözlükten bakmak yerine cümlenin ya da parçanın konusuna göre anlamdan çıkarmaya çalışın. Tahmininiz doğruysa zaten aklınızda kalması daha muhtemeldir. Yanlışsa da kelimenin anlamını aklınızda tutmak için zihninizde fazladan bir ilişki oluşturmuş olursunuz.
  3. Bu sözcükleri cümle içinde kullanın. Kendi hayatınızdan cümleler oluşturun. “table” kelimesini öğrenmişseniz her zaman kendi masanızın üzerinde duran ya da size masayı çağrıştıran herhangi bir şeyle birlikte cümle içinde kullanın.
  4. Yeni öğrendiğiniz kelimeleri not edin. Bu kelimelerin bir listesini tutun ve belli periyodlarla (bir hafta, on gün, bir ay…) aynı kelimeleri gözden geçirin.
  5. Yanınızda bir not defteri taşıyın ve aklınıza gelen, İngilizce’sini bilmediğiniz kelimeleri not alın. Örneğin, ekmek almaya çıktınız, ekmek kelimesinin İngilizcesini bilmiyorsunuz, not alın ve uygun bir zamanda anlamını okuyun. Bunu bir oyun haline getirip, günlük dilde kullanabileceğiniz bütün kelimelerin İngilizce anlamlarını öğrenebilirsiniz.
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Yazan: Kasım 9, 2011 in İngilizce Konular





Aşağıdaki tablo en genel preposition anlamlarını vermektedir. Her anlam için bir örnek verilmiştir.

1. On the subject of:  This is a story
about elephants.
2. Approximately:  He is
about ten years old.

1. Higher than; over:  The plane flew
above the clouds.
2. Earlier on a page:  There is a heading
above each diagram.

1. From one side to the other:  We walked
across the field.
2. On the other side of:  There is a store
across the street.

1. Later in time:
after ten o’clock; after lunch
2. Later in a series:  Q comes
after P in the alphabet.
3. In pursuit of:  The dog ran
after the cat.

1. In opposition to:  Theft is
against the law.
2. Touching; supported by:  I leaned my bicycle
against the wall.

1. Following the length of:  We walked
along the road.

1. Within a group:  The money was shared
among three people.

NOTE: Resmi İngilizce’de, AMONG genellikle sadece ikiden fazla kişi veya nesne söz konusu olduğunda kullanılır. BETWEEN ise iki kişi veya şey için kullanılır.

1. Circling something:  We walked
around the block.
2. Surrounding:  There is a fence
around the garden.
3. In different parts of:  I looked
around the house for the keys.
4. In the other direction:  We turned
around and went back home.
5. Approximately:  He is
around six feet tall.

1. A specific location:
at 23 Chestnut Street; at the park
2. A point in time:
at 5 o’clock; at Christmas
3. A condition:
at peace; at war; at rest
4. An activity:
at work; at school; at play
5. Towards:  Look
at someone; wave at someone

NOTE: Hususi bir yer veya zamanda bir an kastedildiğinde genellikle AT kullanılır. Belirgin bir cadde veya bir gün kastedildiğinde genellikle ON kullanılır. Yer bir bölge olarak kullanılıyorsa veya zaman birimi bir gün daha genişse genellikle IN kullanılır.
e.g. at Christmas; on Christmas day; in the Christmas holidays

1. Earlier in time:
before two o’clock; before Christmas
2. Earlier in a series:  S comes
before T in the alphabet.

1. At the back of:  The little girl hid
behind her mother.
2. Late:  I am
behind in my work.
3. Cause; origin:  Who was
behind that idea?

1. Lower than; under:
below freezing; below sea level
2. Later on a page:  Footnotes are provided
below the text.

1. Lower than; below:
beneath the earth

1. Next to; at the side of:  I sit
beside her in class.

1. Also; as well as:  We study other languages
besides English.

NOTE: BESIDE ve BESIDES arasındaki farka dikkat ediniz. Beside ile genellikle fiziksel mekan /yer kastedilir.

1. An intermediate location:  Toronto lies
between Montreal and Vancouver.
2. An intermediate time:
between Christmas and New Year’s Day
3. Intermediate in a series:  B comes
between A and C in the alphabet.
4. An intermediate amount:
between five and ten people
5. Within a group of two:  The money was shared
between two people.

1. Farther than:  The mountains lie
beyond the horizon.
2. Further than; exceeding:  That was
beyond my expectations.

1. Except:  I have read all
but the last chapter.

Note: But is used more often as a conjunction than as a preposition.

1. Near:  a house
by the sea
2. Past:  He waved as he drove
by the house.
3. Not later than:  Try to finish the work
by next week.
4. In units of:  cheaper
by the dozen; sold by weight
5. Through the means of:  travel
by plane; written by him

NOTE: By genellikle edilgen çatıda (Passive Voice) kullanılır..

1. Connected with; about:  He studies everything
concerning trees.

1. In spite of:  We walked downtown
despite the rain.

1. To a lower position:  The ball rolled
down the hill.
2. Further along:  He lives
down the street.

1. Throughout a period:  She works
during the day.
2. Sometime within a period:  An accident occurred
during the night.

1. Not including:  I have visited everyone
except him.

1. Duration of time:  We walked
for two hours.
2. Distance:  I walked
for five kilometers.
3. Purpose:  I bought this jacket
for you.
4. In the direction of:  She left
for New York.
5. In favor of:  We are
for the proposal.
6. Considering:  The boy is clever
for his age.

1. Place of origin:  We left
from Boston; he comes from Mexico
2. Start of a period of time:
from now on; from yesterday until today
3. Start of a range:
From 20 to 30 people were present.
4. Cause:  He suffers
from nervousness.
5. Source:  I first heard the story
from you.

1. Place thought of as an area:
in London; in Europe
2. Within a location:
in the room; in the building
3. Large units of time:  That happened
in March, in 1992.
4. Within a certain time:  I will return
in an hour.
5. By means of:  write
in pencil; speak in English
6. Condition:
in doubt; in a hurry; in secret
7. A member of:  He is
in the orchestra; in the navy
8. Wearing:  the boy
in the blue shirt
9. With reference to:  lacking
in ideas; rich in oil

1. Within:  They are
inside the house.

1. To the inside of:  We stepped
into the room.
2. Change of condition:  The boy changed
into a man.

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Yazan: Ocak 25, 2011 in İngilizce Konular




Aşağıdaki tablo en genel preposition anlamlarını vermektedir. Her anlam için bir örnek verilmiştir.

1. On the subject of:  This is a story about elephants.
2. Approximately:  He is about ten years old.

1. Higher than; over:  The plane flew above the clouds.
2. Earlier on a page:  There is a heading above each diagram.

1. From one side to the other:  We walked across the field.
2. On the other side of:  There is a store across the street.

1. Later in time:  after ten o’clock; after lunch
2. Later in a series:  Q comes after P in the alphabet.
3. In pursuit of:  The dog ran after the cat.

1. In opposition to:  Theft is against the law.
2. Touching; supported by:  I leaned my bicycle against the wall.

1. Following the length of:  We walked along the road.

1. Within a group:  The money was shared among three people.

NOTE: Resmi İngilizce’de, AMONG genellikle sadece ikiden fazla kişi veya nesne söz konusu olduğunda kullanılır. BETWEEN ise iki kişi veya şey için kullanılır.

1. Circling something:  We walked around the block.
2. Surrounding:  There is a fence around the garden.
3. In different parts of:  I looked around the house for the keys.
4. In the other direction:  We turned around and went back home.
5. Approximately:  He is around six feet tall.

1. A specific location:  at 23 Chestnut Street; at the park
2. A point in time:  at 5 o’clock; at Christmas
3. A condition:  at peace; at war; at rest
4. An activity:  at work; at school; at play
5. Towards:  Look at someone; wave at someone

NOTE: Hususi bir yer veya zamanda bir an kastedildiğinde genellikle AT kullanılır. Belirgin bir cadde veya bir gün kastedildiğinde genellikle ON kullanılır. Yer bir bölge olarak kullanılıyorsa veya zaman birimi bir gün daha genişse genellikle IN kullanılır.
e.g. at Christmas; on Christmas day; in the Christmas holidays

1. Earlier in time:  before two o’clock; before Christmas
2. Earlier in a series:  S comes before T in the alphabet.

1. At the back of:  The little girl hid behind her mother.
2. Late:  I am behind in my work.
3. Cause; origin:  Who was behind that idea?

1. Lower than; under:  below freezing; below sea level
2. Later on a page:  Footnotes are provided below the text.

1. Lower than; below:  beneath the earth

1. Next to; at the side of:  I sit beside her in class.

1. Also; as well as:  We study other languages besides English.

NOTE: BESIDE ve BESIDES arasındaki farka dikkat ediniz. Beside ile genellikle fiziksel mekan /yer kastedilir.

1. An intermediate location:  Toronto lies between Montreal and Vancouver.
2. An intermediate time:  between Christmas and New Year’s Day
3. Intermediate in a series:  B comes between A and C in the alphabet.
4. An intermediate amount:  between five and ten people
5. Within a group of two:  The money was shared between two people.

1. Farther than:  The mountains lie beyond the horizon.
2. Further than; exceeding:  That was beyond my expectations.

1. Except:  I have read all but the last chapter.

Note: But is used more often as a conjunction than as a preposition.

1. Near:  a house by the sea
2. Past:  He waved as he drove by the house.
3. Not later than:  Try to finish the work by next week.
4. In units of:  cheaper by the dozen; sold by weight
5. Through the means of:  travel by plane; written by him

NOTE: By genellikle edilgen çatıda (Passive Voice) kullanılır..

1. Connected with; about:  He studies everything concerning trees.

1. In spite of:  We walked downtown despite the rain.

1. To a lower position:  The ball rolled down the hill.
2. Further along:  He lives down the street.

1. Throughout a period:  She works during the day.
2. Sometime within a period:  An accident occurred during the night.

1. Not including:  I have visited everyone except him.

1. Duration of time:  We walked for two hours.
2. Distance:  I walked for five kilometers.
3. Purpose:  I bought this jacket for you.
4. In the direction of:  She left for New York.
5. In favor of:  We are for the proposal.
6. Considering:  The boy is clever for his age.

1. Place of origin:  We left from Boston; he comes from Mexico
2. Start of a period of time:  from now on; from yesterday until today
3. Start of a range:  From 20 to 30 people were present.
4. Cause:  He suffers from nervousness.
5. Source:  I first heard the story from you.

1. Place thought of as an area:  in London; in Europe
2. Within a location:  in the room; in the building
3. Large units of time:  That happened in March, in 1992.
4. Within a certain time:  I will return in an hour.
5. By means of:  write in pencil; speak in English
6. Condition:  in doubt; in a hurry; in secret
7. A member of:  He is in the orchestra; in the navy
8. Wearing:  the boy in the blue shirt
9. With reference to:  lacking in ideas; rich in oil

1. Within:  They are inside the house.

1. To the inside of:  We stepped into the room.
2. Change of condition:  The boy changed into a man.

1. Resembling:  That looks like him.
2. Appearing possible:  It looks like rain.
3. Be in a suitable mood for:  I feel like going swimming.

1. Less:  Three minus two equals one.

1. Close to:  near the school; near the ocean

1. Location:  east of here; the middle of the road
2. Possession:  a friend of mine; the sound of music
3. Part of a group:  one of us; a member of the team
4. Measurement:  a cup of milk; two meters of snow

1. Not on; away from:  Please keep off the grass.
2. At some distance from:  There are islands off the coast.

1. Touching the surface of:  on the table; on the wall
2. A certain day:  That happened on Sunday, on the 6th of June.
3. A certain street:  on South Street
4. About:  a book on engineering
5. A state or condition:  on strike; on fire; on holiday
6. By means of:  live on a pension; shown on television

1. To a position on:  The child climbed onto the table.

1. Facing:  The library is opposite the fire station.

Out of
1. To the outside of:  She went out of the room.
2. From among:  We won two games out of three.
3. Motive:  We spoke to them out of politeness.
4. Material:  The bridge is made out of steel.
5. Beyond:  out of control; out of danger

1. On the outer side of:  outside the house
2. Beyond the limits of:  outside my experience

1. Above; higher than:  There are cupboards over the sink.
2. Covering:  We spread an extra blanket over the bed.
3. Across:  I jumped over a puddle.
4. More than:  It cost over ten dollars; it took over an hour
5. During:  I saw him several times over the past week.
6. By means of:  We made plans over the telephone.

1. Up to and beyond:  I walked past the house.
2. After (in time):  It was past 2 o’clock; half past two
3. Beyond:  past belief

1. For each:  60 kilometers per hour; price per liter

1. With the addition of:  Six plus four equals ten.

1. From a specific time in the past:  I had been waiting since two o’clock.
2. From a past time until now:  I have been waiting here since noon.

Note: Because of its meaning, the preposition since is usually used in combination with a perfect tense. It should be noted that the preposition for can also be used with a perfect tense. However, when used with reference to time, for is usually followed by a phrase referring to a period of time; whereas since is usually followed by a phrase referring to a specific time.
e.g. I have known him for six months.
I have known him since January.
In the first example, for is followed by six months, which refers to a period of time. In the second example, since is followed by January, which refers to a specific time.

1. Across; from end to end of:  the main road through town
2. For the whole of a period:  I slept through the night.
3. By means of:  Skill improves through practice.

1. In every part of:  throughout the world
2. For the whole of a period:  throughout the winter

Note: Till can be used instead of until. However, at the beginning of a sentence, until is usually used.

1. In the direction of:  Turn to the right.
2. Destination:  I am going to Rome.
3. Until:  from Monday to Friday; five minutes to ten
4. Compared with:  They prefer hockey to soccer.
5. With indirect object:  Please give it to me.
6. As part of infinitive:  I like to ski; he wants to help.
7. In order to:  We went to the store to buy soap.

Toward (or Towards)
1. In the direction of:  We walked toward the center of town.
2. Near; just before (time):  It rained towards evening.

1. Beneath:  under the desk; under the trees
2. Less than:  Under 100 people were present.
3. In circumstances of:  under repair; under way; under discussion

1. Below, under:  underneath the carpet

1. Up to a certain time:  She will stay until Friday; until 5 p.m.

Note: On and upon have similar meanings. Upon may be used in certain expressions, as in once upon a time, and following certain verbs, as in to rely upon someone.

1. To a higher place:  We went up the stairs.
2. In a higher place:  She lives up the hill.

Up to
1. As far as:  up to now; I have read up to page 100.
2. Depending on:  The decision is up to you.
3. As good as; ready for:  His work is up to standard.

1. Against (sports, legal):  The next game is England versus Australia.

1. By way of:  He went to Los Angeles via San Francisco.

1. Accompanying:  He came with her; I have my keys with me.
2. Having; containing:  Here is a book with a map of the island.
3. By means of; using:  I repaired the shoes with glue.
4. Manner:  with pleasure; with ease; with difficulty
5. Because of:  We were paralyzed with fear.

1. Inside of:  within twenty minutes; within one kilometer

1. Not having:  Do not leave without your coat; without money

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Yazan: Ocak 10, 2011 in İngilizce Konular


When and While

When and While
Past Continuous Tense cümlelerinde “when” ve “while” bağlaçları sıkça kullanılır. Bu yüzden zamanı doğru kullanabilmek için bu bağlaçların kullanımlarının iyi öğrenilmesi önemlidir.

When ve While bağlaçlarının Past Continuous Tense cümlelerinde kullanımları genellikle şu iki formül ile açıklanabilir.

– when + simple past tense

– When I saw him, he was playing tennis. (Onu gördüğümde tenis oynuyordu.)

– when / while + past continuous tense

– When / While I was playing football, I broke my leg. (Futbol oynarken bacağım kırıldı.)

When ve While bağlaçlarının kullanımıyla ilgili genel kurallar aşağıda verilmiştir.

► Geçmişte devam etmekte olan bir eylem sırasında bir başka eylem olmuş ve devam eden eylemi bölmüşse, bu durum hem when, hem de while bağlaçları kullanılarak ifade edilebilir.

– I was eating dinner when the guests arrived. (Konuklar geldiğinde yemek yiyordum.)

– I hurt my leg while I was playing football. (Futbol oynarken bacağımı incittim.)


► “When” ile kurulmuş bir zarf cümleciği (adverbial clause), genellikle temel cümledeki (main clause) eylemin devam etmekte olduğu zamanı açıklar. “Bir eylem olduğunda bir başka eylem oluyordu” biçiminde bir anlam taşır. Bu nedenle “when” in bağlı bulunduğu cümlede Simple Past, temel cümlede ise Past Continuous kullanılır.

– When he came in, I was studying. (O içeri girdiğinde, ben ders çalışıyordum.)
adverbial main

– I was reading when he came in. (O geldiğinde, ben kitap okuyordum.)

– When I went out, it was snowing. (Dışarı çıktığımda kar yağıyordu.)

– They were arguing when I entered the room. (Odaya girdiğimde, tartışıyorlardı.)

When bağlacının yukarıdaki cümlelerde kullanılışı, “When + Simple Past, Past Continuous” şeklinde formülize edilebilir.

► “When” arka arkaya yapılmış eylemleri anlatmak için de kullandır. Bu durumda her iki cümle de Simple Past Tense ile kurulur.

– When he arrived, we went into the cinema. (O gelince, sinemaya girdik.)
(Önce o geldi, sonra biz sinemaya girdik.)

– When he left work, he got on a bus and went home. (İşten çıkınca, otobüse binip eve gitti.)

– When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand. (Öğretmen soru sorunca, elimi kaldırdım.)

When bağlacının yukarıdaki cümlelerde kullanılışı, “’When + Simple Past, Simple Past” şeklinde formülize edilebilir.

► “While” bağlacı genellikle, temel cümledeki eylem sırasında devam etmekte olan bir başka eylemi anlatmak için kullanılır. Bu nedenle, “while” in bağlı bulunduğu cümle Past Continuous, temel cümle ise Simple Past’dır.

– While I was studying, he came in. (Ben ders çalışırken o geldi.)
adverbial main

– I left home while my parents were sleeping. (Annem babam uyurken evden çıktım.)

I took a photograph while you weren’t looking. (Sen uyurken, fotoğraf çektim.)

While bağlacının yukarıdaki cümlelerde kullanılışı, “While + Past Continuous, Simple Past” şeklinde formülize edilebilir.
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Yazan: Ocak 8, 2011 in İngilizce Konular




She saw Sherif’s shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw Sherif’s shoes on the sofa?


Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. While the catcher watches the pitcher (beyzbolda topu atan oyuncu) who pitches the balls. Whether the temperature’s up or whether the temperature’s down, the nature watcher, the catcher and the pitcher are always around. The pitcher pitches, the catcher catches and the watcher watches. So whether the temperature’s rises or whether the temperature falls the nature watcher just watches the catcher who’s watching the pitcher who’s watching the balls.


If you understand, say “understand”.

If you don’t understand, say “don’t understand”.

But if you understand and say “don’t understand”.

how do I understand that you understand. Understand!?


Love’s a feeling you feel when you feel you’re going to feel the feeling you’ve never felt before.


Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation beyond the Indian Ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation.


A fly and flea flew into a flue (baca),

said the fly to the flea ‘what shall we do?’

‘let us fly’ said the flea

said the fly ‘shall we flee’

so they flew through a flaw (kusur,defo) in the flue.


If Kantie can tie a tie and untie a tie, why can’t I tie a tie and untie a tie like Kantie can.


While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water.


Betty Botter bought some butter but she said the butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter it will make my batter bitter. So, she bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter and she put it in her batter and her batter was not bitter. So ’twas good that Betty Botter bought some better butter.


Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore. But if Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore then where are the sea shells Sally sells?

If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?


A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.


Ann and Andy’s anniversary is in April.


How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.

How much ground would a groundhog(dağ suçanı) hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground.


How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot.


How much wood could Chuck Woods’ woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods’ woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods’ woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods’ woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods’ woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and wood chuck wood.


Mary Mac’s mother’s making Mary Mac marry me.

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Yazan: Ocak 6, 2011 in İngilizce Konular


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